Step-by-Step Installation: Custom Autosteer for Older Tractors


In the rapidly advancing field of agriculture technology, one significant innovation is the integration of autopilot systems in tractors. These systems enhance productivity, accuracy, and efficiency on the farm, revolutionizing the way tasks are performed. Autosteer systems, such as the JY302 by SMAJAYU, offer a custom solution for older tractors, enabling farmers to experience the ... Read more

Applications & Customized Solutions: Guidance Systems for Tractors

guidance system for tractors

In the modern world of agriculture, technology continues to revolutionize the way farmers work. One such advancement is the integration of guidance systems into tractors. These sophisticated systems provide farmers with precise and automated navigation, resulting in increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved productivity. This blog post will delve into the concept of guidance systems for ... Read more

GPS RTK Revolutionizing Precision Farming: SMAJAYU Leads the Way

gps rtk

The agricultural industry has witnessed a significant transformation over the past few decades, driven by advancements in technology. One such innovation that has revolutionized precision farming is the integration of GPS Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) systems. These high-precision and affordable GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) solutions have not only enhanced accuracy but also made precision farming ... Read more

Tips to Choose Survey GPS: R26 Precision in Surveying

survey gps

Accurate and reliable measurements are crucial in surveying, and having the right equipment plays a vital role in achieving precision and efficiency. Among the essential tools for modern surveyors is a survey GPS (Global Positioning System). The market offers a wide range of options, each with its own features and capabilities. To make an informed ... Read more

Precision Agriculture with GPS Land Levelling Systems

GPS Land Levelling system 

Precision agriculture has transformed the way farmers approach cultivation and resource management. In this era of advanced technologies, GPS Land Levelling systems have emerged as a game-changer for precision agriculture. These systems offer accurate positioning and real-time data analysis, enabling farmers to optimize their land's topography, water distribution, and overall productivity. This blog delves into the ... Read more

Accuracy and Reliability of Track GNSS Guidance System for Agricultural Machinery

track GNSS guidance system

What is the track GNSS agriculture guidance system?  With a track GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) navigation system for agriculture, farmers may more precisely navigate and control their agricultural gear in the field. A device with a GNSS receiver may use a GNSS system to pinpoint its exact location, speed, and direction via satellite signals. ... Read more

Increasing Crop Yields using Smart Agriculture Spraying Systems

smart agriculture spraying system

What is smart agriculture spraying system? An intelligent spray control system uses satellite navigation system positioning, speed, and other data, combined with pressure sensors, flow meters, and other sensor information. Through controller automation, these systems intelligently control the on-off valve opening size and ratio to achieve different operating speeds, enabling the realization of liquid-state fertilizer and ... Read more

The Future of the Agriculture Sector: JY305 Tractor GNNS Auto-Steering System

JY305 tractor GNNS auto-steering system

What is the GNNS auto-steering system for tractors? The JY305 tractor GNSS auto-steering system describes agricultural equipment that combines GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) technology with tractor auto-steering capabilities. A satellite-based navigation system called GNSS gives receivers on the ground exact location and timing data. It consists of gadgets like the GPS (Global Positioning System). Tractors with GNSS ... Read more

A Revolutionary Way to Automate Spraying: Intelligent spray system

best gps for pasture spraying

Are you interested to know about Intelligent spray systems? A technologically advanced system that automates and optimizes the process of spraying liquids or particles onto a target surface is often called an intelligent spray system. These systems frequently use a variety of sensors, actuators, and clever algorithms to improve spraying applications' efficiency, accuracy, and control. Many ... Read more